sábado, abril 03, 2010


"Look at the flower that blooms in this garden of life. Because this is what you are. This is who you are. And if you desire peace in your life, it is not an accident."

"If you require fulfillment in your life, it is not an accident.
What a fragile thing human life is, just like sakura. Life itself has a value, and it must be protected. "

"It is a narrow passagechoose wisely know in your life what you absolutely cannot sacrifice."You want to know the truth? The truth resides inside of you. Where else would it be?"

"You are here. It's on! It's happening. The beautiful music you hear -- the orchestra is not just warming up."

"In my downs, I want to remember the up. And in my ups, I want to remember the up, up!"

"Everything that is necessary for you to truly enjoy yourself is here. Make the connection.""Whatever you decide to do, be at peace. Experience dignity in your life. Experience peace in your life."

“Other people say, ‘I am responsible for unfolding every bit. I am the one who writes everything.’ How about a happy medium? The fact that each part of the story is going to unfold is destiny, but there’s nothing written on the pages. The paper feeder is automatic. You write the story. What would you like to write?

“What should your story be like? Should it be about suffering, pain, anger, and a list of all the things you don’t have? Or should it be a really interesting story? The adventure.

“If you choose to change the story, I’m here to help and I can help. I’ve helped a lot of people. But the most important thing is that there is a lot of hope. If you really understand that you can change the story, there’s a tremendous amount of hope—hope that this life can be fulfilled every single day. And that is a mighty nice hope to have.

“And not only hope, but tools to make it real.”

"I have the tickets to the best show in town. And you want them. If you want those tickets, I have them."
 * Prem Rawat world wide known as Maharaji*

4 comentarios:

  1. Cecilia De Trinidad4 de abril de 2010, 0:43

    Gracias Blanca Oraa por tu dedicación de
    ponernos al alcance tanta sabiduría.
    He disfrutado el mensaje durante mi viaje
    al trabajo y lo sigo disfrutando en mi break.
    Precioso vídeo, sabias palabras que son como
    la fresca lluvia desbordante de amor que espera
    mi ser interno para despertar a esta simple y sencilla
    vidita pero tan bonita!
    Gracias, Infinitas Gracias a ti y al Sr. Prem Rawat!
    Saludos cariñosos.
    Cecilia De Trinidad.

  2. @Cecilia:
    Comparto contigo la dicha que supone ser estudiante del señor Rawat. Es emocionante hacer el viaje de la vida junto a El.

  3. Preciosas palabras. Además hoy es un día especial para mi y necesitaba escuchar e interiorizar palabras hermosas como estas. Un beso,


  4. @Macarena, no te puedes imaginar la alegría que me has dado al saber que te gustan las palabras de mi maestro.
