Me considero artista, diarista y bloguera. Antes me dedicaba a pintar y exponer, pero me rompí la pierna y me volví escribidora.
sábado, noviembre 14, 2009
Mi LIBRO DE ARTISTA es una creación seriada, ininterrumpida, con la que poco a poco voy concluyendo mi proyecto sobre las playas-rayas.
Mi libro consta de infinitud de páginas, nunca se acaba.
Lo hago con los materiales empeados en los cuadros de playas: fotos de las playas reales, fotos de los cuadros pintados, fotocopias de estas fotos, fotos para catálogos y así sucesivamente.
El proceso lo explico aquí.
La técnica que empleo está muy relacionada con la serie STAPLING que realicé cuando vivía en Los Angeles Ca.
Música: Adrian Belew (Never Enough)
viernes, noviembre 13, 2009
- Victor HUGO (1802-1885)
Saison des semailles. Le soir
C'est le moment crépusculaire.
J'admire, assis sous un portail,
Ce reste de jour dont s'éclaire
La dernière heure du travail.
Dans les terres, de nuit baignées,
Je contemple, ému, les haillons
D'un vieillard qui jette à poignées
La moisson future aux sillons.
Sa haute silhouette noire
Domine les profonds labours.
On sent à quel point il doit croire
A la fuite utile des jours.
Il marche dans la plaine immense,
Va, vient, lance la graine au loin,
Rouvre sa main, et recommence,
Et je médite, obscur témoin,
Pendant que, déployant ses voiles,
L'ombre, où se mêle une rumeur,
Semble élargir jusqu'aux étoiles
Le geste auguste du semeur.
J'admire, assis sous un portail,
Ce reste de jour dont s'éclaire
La dernière heure du travail.
Dans les terres, de nuit baignées,
Je contemple, ému, les haillons
D'un vieillard qui jette à poignées
La moisson future aux sillons.
Sa haute silhouette noire
Domine les profonds labours.
On sent à quel point il doit croire
A la fuite utile des jours.
Il marche dans la plaine immense,
Va, vient, lance la graine au loin,
Rouvre sa main, et recommence,
Et je médite, obscur témoin,
Pendant que, déployant ses voiles,
L'ombre, où se mêle une rumeur,
Semble élargir jusqu'aux étoiles
Le geste auguste du semeur.
jueves, noviembre 12, 2009
Hans Jayanti
Sunday, November 8, 2009 at 2:26pm
Excerpts from a letter to JFK by Shri Hans
..."You are rightly conscious that the dark powers of destruction unleased by science might engulf all humanity in planned or accidental self destruction. Your suggestions to the nations of the world to formulate serious and precise proposals for the inspection and control of arms, to invoke the wonders of science instead of its terrors and to create a new world of law where the strong are just, the weak secure and the peace preserved and lastly your call for the quest of peace are praise-worthy and hopeful and just what could be expected from a great man of your calibre, mettle and position.
The conception, however, that inspection, control or even total destruction of arms would eliminate wars and establish peace seems unrealistic. We think wars are not caused mere due to arms. Wars are the products of unbalanced and diseased minds. Peace also is not an absence of wars. It is indeed a sublime faculty of mind in which the very tendency of all conflicts becomes extinct. Battle for elimination of all conflicts and for establishment of peace, therefore, has to be fought in the minds of men and then only your high aims could be achieved.
Similarly material prosperity alone can not vouchsafe real happiness. Real happiness comes from contentment which also is a faculty of mind. To a man of unbalanced mind material plenty provides material comforts with added anxieties and agonies which bring miseries in the end. Material prosperity is helpful only to a man of equanimous mind. For peace as well as for real happiness therefore, equanimity of mind is absolutely necessary. It is often argued that acquisition of equanimity of mind is a personal concern of the individual. It cannot be tried on mass scale on the earth. Such arguments are quite unjustified and unconvincing.
Man is the primary unit of human race. What affects the man affects the whole world. As for development of any branch of learning, instructions are imparted to individual student, similarly for establishment of peace and happiness, instructions could easily be imparted to each individual to acquire equanimity of mind. And by a planned programme desired results could be achieved very quickly. Book education takes more than a decade but equanimity of mind can be acquired even within an hour. The only thing most needed is the intense desire for it.
Mind attains equanimity and tranquility by concentration on DIVINE LIGHT which is eternal, omnipresent, constant and everlasting. Visualisation of this self-effulgent Divine light within ownself absolves the mind of all delusions and the germs of lust, greed, hatred, fear and jalousies - real causes of conflicts and miseries are burnt to ashes. It releases the force of unity amongst all living beings and eliminates the forces of disruption.
A man with equanimous mind can not do harm to any living being. He sees the same omnipresent soul in all men. The current of his thoughts influences other also and even the most ferocious animal is rendered incapable of inflicting any harm in his presence. If the equanimity of mind is attained by men today wars will be uprooted from this earth root and branch and everlasting peace and happiness will descend on this earth spontaneously"....
..."You are rightly conscious that the dark powers of destruction unleased by science might engulf all humanity in planned or accidental self destruction. Your suggestions to the nations of the world to formulate serious and precise proposals for the inspection and control of arms, to invoke the wonders of science instead of its terrors and to create a new world of law where the strong are just, the weak secure and the peace preserved and lastly your call for the quest of peace are praise-worthy and hopeful and just what could be expected from a great man of your calibre, mettle and position.
The conception, however, that inspection, control or even total destruction of arms would eliminate wars and establish peace seems unrealistic. We think wars are not caused mere due to arms. Wars are the products of unbalanced and diseased minds. Peace also is not an absence of wars. It is indeed a sublime faculty of mind in which the very tendency of all conflicts becomes extinct. Battle for elimination of all conflicts and for establishment of peace, therefore, has to be fought in the minds of men and then only your high aims could be achieved.
Similarly material prosperity alone can not vouchsafe real happiness. Real happiness comes from contentment which also is a faculty of mind. To a man of unbalanced mind material plenty provides material comforts with added anxieties and agonies which bring miseries in the end. Material prosperity is helpful only to a man of equanimous mind. For peace as well as for real happiness therefore, equanimity of mind is absolutely necessary. It is often argued that acquisition of equanimity of mind is a personal concern of the individual. It cannot be tried on mass scale on the earth. Such arguments are quite unjustified and unconvincing.
Man is the primary unit of human race. What affects the man affects the whole world. As for development of any branch of learning, instructions are imparted to individual student, similarly for establishment of peace and happiness, instructions could easily be imparted to each individual to acquire equanimity of mind. And by a planned programme desired results could be achieved very quickly. Book education takes more than a decade but equanimity of mind can be acquired even within an hour. The only thing most needed is the intense desire for it.
Mind attains equanimity and tranquility by concentration on DIVINE LIGHT which is eternal, omnipresent, constant and everlasting. Visualisation of this self-effulgent Divine light within ownself absolves the mind of all delusions and the germs of lust, greed, hatred, fear and jalousies - real causes of conflicts and miseries are burnt to ashes. It releases the force of unity amongst all living beings and eliminates the forces of disruption.
A man with equanimous mind can not do harm to any living being. He sees the same omnipresent soul in all men. The current of his thoughts influences other also and even the most ferocious animal is rendered incapable of inflicting any harm in his presence. If the equanimity of mind is attained by men today wars will be uprooted from this earth root and branch and everlasting peace and happiness will descend on this earth spontaneously"....
miércoles, noviembre 11, 2009
Hace unos días me encontraba en AMOR DE MADRE tomando una copa con unos amigos, hice un comentario aparentemente desafortunado y Ricardo Goyoaga, que se supone es un hombre culto y brillante, me llamó decimonónica, lo cual me hizo recapacitar un poco, pero solo un poco.
La performance sobre mi caja de herramientas la realicé ayer, después de haber trabajado en el proyecto durante un cierto tiempo (la improvisación requiere un trabajo de base muy intenso) y cual ha sido mi sorpresa, cuando al leer el post de Diego Soroa, hoy, me ha venido a la cabeza que a lo mejor es verdad que tengo comportamientos decimonónicos.
Mi caja de herramientas es casi medieval.
Y pensar que yo creía que era modernilla...
martes, noviembre 10, 2009
El tercer taller intercultural fue tan interesante que aprendí mas que yendo a una universidad americana.
Los ponentes:
Clementine Pouatou, Camerún, Socióloga
Profesora de instituto en Camerún y postgraduada en el Pais Vasco, fundadora de la Asociación Euskalmon.
Ali Souragjou, Benin, Sociólogo
Ambos hablaron de la necesidad de fomentar la dignidad individual de cada ser humano mediante la formación y el trabajo decente para conseguir que todos podamos vivir integrados en paz y armonía.
Se estableció un pequeño debate, ya que la audiencia estaba compuesta de personas muy preparadas, que luchan por la paz desde distintos contextos.
Para terminar se proyectó un extracto de una conferencia que Prem Rawat había dado en Nueva York, hablando de la paz y de la labor humanitaria que está llevando a cabo la Fundación TPRF.
lunes, noviembre 09, 2009
“ Cuando la fiesta terminó, todos se pusieron tristes y volvieron a sus casas.
Pero yo con mi tinaja de vino entre las flores, me puse a beber solo.
Nadie estaba conmigo, hasta que alzando mi taza me encontré con la luna, que reproduciendo mi nombre nos hizo tres. ¡Ay que felicidad la mía! Aunque la luna no tiene sed y mi sombra me sigue muy de cerca, son mis buenos amigos.
Cuando canté, la luna cantó conmigo; cuando bailé, bailó mi sombra conmigo. En este momento fuimos como grandes compañeros, luego me embriagué y nos perdimos. Y mientras contemplaba el largo camino del Río de Estrellas, me preguntaba sobre lo supremo...”
Pero yo con mi tinaja de vino entre las flores, me puse a beber solo.
Nadie estaba conmigo, hasta que alzando mi taza me encontré con la luna, que reproduciendo mi nombre nos hizo tres. ¡Ay que felicidad la mía! Aunque la luna no tiene sed y mi sombra me sigue muy de cerca, son mis buenos amigos.
Cuando canté, la luna cantó conmigo; cuando bailé, bailó mi sombra conmigo. En este momento fuimos como grandes compañeros, luego me embriagué y nos perdimos. Y mientras contemplaba el largo camino del Río de Estrellas, me preguntaba sobre lo supremo...”
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